Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Emperor Has No Clothes!

Have you ever heard something which, from the start, just doesn't sound right? When you try and analyze  why it sounds wrong, you just can't get your paws on it, but you just know that something is definitely hinky. Well, that's the way I've felt about the whole global warming/climate change propaganda deluge that we've been experiencing in recent years. Thankfully, some scientists are speaking up, saying it's all farce. The question is, who will listen to them?

Global warming is a phrase which has been discarded out of necessity. It seems the world isn't warming any more as they once said. Now we talk about "climate change". However, we denizens of Planet Earth--well, really just the industrialized nations, i.e., those with money--are doing something bad and should be penalized. We don't know what it is yet that we are doing, but let's just agree that it probably has something to do with carbon dioxide emissions. Yeah. That's it. Carbon dioxide. Never mind that carbon dioxide has been around in large quantities since Creation, thanks to the oceans and to volcanoes and to other natural "polluters". And never mind that one of the essential elements in photosynthesis is carbon dioxide. It's bad, and we just know it! Also, why is it that Sting and Al Gore aren't going at it? Sting loves the rain forests that need CO2, and Al Gore hates carbon dioxide. They should be enemies!

The honest, non-deluded scientists out there know that climate change is something that is perfectly natural. Cycles of cooling and warming are part of what earth is and how it lives and breathes. But then you can't really blame nature on America, so let's find something else.

The shocking and alarming part of all this is just how ready the sheeple of this world are to believe anything they are told. Certain "scientists" have forsaken the time-tested sanctity of the scientific method and peer review and are fomenting bad science, half truths and whole lies to support this manure. But if they put on a lab coat and some half-glasses, and peer over these glasses with a knit brow and a look of frustration and foreboding apprehension, then people will believe them. When whipped into a froth of doomsday fear, it seems the sheeple are willing to consider such bad ideas as cap-and-trade. From the mouth of a "scientist", I suppose it doesn't sound all that ridiculous. I believe if the sheeple really knew what the environmentalists agenda would ultimately create, they would run from it as if it were a hacking, wheezing, plague-filled rat.

 These "scientists", whose livelihoods hinge on the procurement of research dollars, have a virtually unlimited supply of money, all earmarked for research on climate change. The more the fervor accelerates, the more money governments and others are willing to throw into the climate change abyss. In light of the destruction of planet earth, all other research seems frivolous. We must, after all, save Mother Earth from ourselves. But I remain confident that this big blue marble is much more resilient than we think and will be around and working just fine when we're all gone.

Smaller nations are attempting, through creating multi-lateral leverage, to rob first-world countries of money and power. Some Americans are ready to allow it, too. This is one of those frustrating situations which causes me to despair because I don't see any chance that people will want to hear or believe what is obviously true. Ultimately, their blind allegiance to this agenda will make us poorer as a nation and will remove or deplete whatever competitive edge we have. That's what these second- and third-world Robin Hoods want--to level the playing field by bringing America down a notch or two. We shouldn't be so eager to allow it.

Lord, help us, and if possible, teach us to help ourselves.

Some quick reads:

...and if you have time, watch these:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Global Warming: Doomsday Called Off

1 comment:

  1. I feel a bit about America the way I feel about Robert. I love America, and I love Robert, and I would not betray my allegiance to the first nor my friendship to the other outside of a mandate from God to the contrary. But at some point, you have to say that one deserves what one has brought on oneself. America is a very rich, spoiled child, and if other nations are able to take advantage of us this way, then perhaps we deserve it for our indiscretion. My personal point of view is that the green movement is here and while it probably won't be, say, fifteen years from now, the best thing we can do is adopt their terms and find solutions within their way of looking at the world. For instance, I am somewhat opposed to commuter (HOV) lanes in traffic. I think there is little need for them and it just slows down the commute for everyone else. As a response to all the green hype, some smart policymaker in Sacramento got a law passed that would allow hybrid and electric car drivers to use the HOV lane during commute hours, whether or not they have a passenger. By creating demand for hybrid cars, this relieved some of the economic burden on car companies laboring under the unfunded mandate to manufacture hybrid cars whether or not there is demand for them. It also got more drivers out of the bottleneck and into the HOV lane. I am of the opinion that a lot of smart policy could be accomplished by conservatives not so loyal to their right-wing lexicon that they can't harness the flurry of global warming mob-mentality into doing some good in the name of the environment. If the Liberals can use it to promote socialism, anti-patriotism, and anti-business laws, it can certainly cut both ways, no?
