Most of you are familiar with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It concerns entropy, or general decay. It has been paraphrased in the statement, “Things run down.” It can also be stated in egghead terms, using words and concepts that I cannot begin to understand, yet the concept touches all of our live in a myriad of ways. Entropy is what prevents perpetual motion. Entropy prevents complete efficiency in the usage of all forms of energy. In other words, any process which converts matter to energy—even at the most efficient levels—experiences some energy loss. Entropy cannot be stopped, cannot be controlled, and cannot be affected beyond a certain point.
Yet we humans think we are invincible, beyond the reach of this basic law of physics. We think the planet can be saved by limiting carbon emissions, a notion which I think is flawed at its core (sorry, Al Gore). We think that world peace is possible, yet we ignore the fact that the entirety of human history has not experienced a time when this was even momentarily true. How naïve. How arrogant.
Saving a snaildarter here or recycling a Coke can there will not slow down the eventual destruction of our planet. Our planet was created with its eventual destruction in mind. In the words of John MacArthur, “If you think we’re damaging our planet, wait until you see what God does to it.” Our planet will be destroyed, and it will most likely be before the polar icecaps melt or before the hole in the ozone level is mended or before Al Gore gets his next Nobel Prize.
Our sinfulness is responsible for the earth’s destruction. Frankly, I look forward to Earth’s obliteration for no other reason than it will prove the ultimate vindication of God, the Creator. I can almost hear God saying, “I brought you into this universe, Earth, and I can take you out of it!”
So I leave you with this: given the eventual demise of this big blue marble, our energies would seem better spent making peace with our Creator instead of making love to Mother Nature. Whose side would you rather be on anyway: Al Gore or Almighty God?
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