I started keeping a weblog in 2005. It was trending on the web, plus I like to write, so it seemed providential. It started on xanga. Then I became disenchanted with xanga and started one on Blogger. Then I went back to xanga. Now the future of xanga hangs in limbo, plus the only people who read xanga pages anymore are people who post on xanga. Plus, Blogger is the adopted child of Google, and we all know that Google is here to stay. Blogger seemed to be one of those neighborhoods that might not go to slum anytime soon. So here I am again.
I spent a few days researching and moving posts from xanga to wordpress to blogger, which is the circuitous route you have to take to get from xanga to blogger, especially moving 132 posts, which is how many I've accumulated over these years. Not many, but they're all my children.
In moving things to Blogger, I noticed a lot of garbage, too--things I posted that even I don't care about now, so much less so for posterity. I noticed an early trend toward shallow, pointless writing, which I assume all these years hence was because that's what I though keeping a weblog was back then. We all realize that weblogging, for most of us, is an exercise in vanity. Putting our unsolicited thoughts on the WWW--who are we kidding with that? In browsing through these things, I kept only the posts which seemed to have ongoing merit, no matter how small. Things I might like to read again, things someone else might like to read, things that speak about me, my likes, my desires--these have endured.
Looks like I'm here to stay.
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