CallMeQuell posted this survey/quiz on her page, asking that we post our answers on our own pages, so here they are. These answers are pretty true to my personality; I don't feel as if I was equivocating.
- After a party your boss generously offers to drive a group of children home who have no other way to get there...he's quite drunk.
Do you:
A) Suggest the children spend the night
B) Cross your fingers and hope for the best
C) Call another driver or the police and risk getting fired
My answer: C. It seems the most responsible answer.
- You fall in love, but all your friends hate him or her.
Do you:
A) Get new friends
B) Suggest that your lover change their personality
C) Keep the two worlds separate
My answer: D. I realize there is no "D", but there is an essential choice that was left out: "D: Ditch the loser!". The wiser course may be to listen to your friends. They can often see things in a person that you might be blinded to. If my friends are generally dim-witted buffoons whose opinions I never trusted, I'd go with "C".
- Your brother is a banker who has profited from the economic collapse. He offers to share his profits with you.
Do you:
A) Turn him in
B) Give your share to charity
C) Refuse the gift but remain silent
My answer: C. The money is tainted. Let him keep it all.
- Your neighbor has the same house and mortgage as you, but has refinanced in order to purchase a new car, swimming pool, and flat screen TV. He is now broke and requesting publicly financed debt forgiveness.
Do you:
A) Let him sink—it was his own greed that got him into this mess
B) Forgive his debt—a homeless person will become a financial drain on everyone—and hope that he knows better next time
C) Offer to take his car and TV in exchange for forgiveness
My answer: A. Debt forgiveness isn't mine to dish out to anyone, since nothing is directly owed to me. I don't have the power to forgive his debt, so I assume he might just be looking for a conscience salve.
- You can see into the future, and you have the opportunity to tell your friends what will happen to them and when.
Do you:
A) Tell them only the good news
B) Keep everything to yourself
C) Let them face the truth, however unpleasant
My answer: B. Agreeing with Quell, this would ultimately depend on if knowing the future would empower you to change it. If by knowing one could change the future, then I'd tell them. If nothing could be changed, I'd keep everything to myself.
- You discover through a bureaucratic error that you are receiving free phone, cable, electricity, and gas.
Do you:
A) Correct the error
B) Feign ignorance and tell no-one
C) Share everything with your neighbors
My answer: A. This is theft, no matter how you look at it (Texas Penal Code, Section 31.04). Two wrongs, you know...
- Your grandfather, on his deathbed, tells you he never liked you.
Do you:
A) Stoically let him get it off his chest
B) Assume he's demented
C) Tell him the feeling is mutual
My answer: A. His opinion only. In a few minutes, he'll be standing before his Maker, and he'll see the truth then.
- A man on an airplane confesses to you that he has committed a truly horrible crime.
Do you:
A) Leave justice in the hands of God
B) Surreptitiously turn in the guilty party
C) Ask to change seats
My answer: B. It's not just the job of the criminal justice system to bring wrongdoers to justice. If you have special knowledge, it's your job, through whatever means you can safely make it known.
- You are accosted in a dark alley by 3 armed youths who demand your wallet—but, unknown to them, you are carrying a semi-automatic weapon.
Do you:
A) Administer justice—shoot first
B) Pull your weapon but offer to leave peacefully
C) Give them your wallet and avoid confrontation
My answer: A. You never know if "B" will work or not, so the only option which will guarantee that I go home this night is to shoot first.
- Alien invaders threaten to turn everyone into mindless drones—but everyone will get rich.
Do you:
A) Take the money and adapt
B) Fight to the death and stay poor
C) Fake adaptation
My answer: B. Some things are more important that safety and money. Freedom comes to the fore...
- You stumble upon evidence that your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you, but he or she is just about to take you on a trip that you've been waiting for your whole life.
Do you:
A) Wait and confront them during the trip
B) Confront them now and risk the trip
C) Enjoy the trip and hope that it was just a temporary thing
My answer: D: Confront them after you return from the trip. I've always had a penchant for poetic justice. With a forced choice though, I'd have to go with "B". I don't think I could enjoy the trip with that knowledge unless I knew the tables would turn when we got back.
- You're on an airplane—the beautiful woman or man seated next to you falls asleep and starts to lean on you.
Do you:
A) Smoothly put your arm around him or her
B) Wedge a pillow in between the two of you as a divider
C) Wake the person up and then return to your reading
My answer: B. This assumes that doing nothing and simply enjoying the situation as it is would not be a choice.
- You're in line at the train station, you're late, and a little man, feigning ignorance, cuts in front of you.
Do you:
A) Ignore him; it's not worth a scene
B) Shout, "Hey buddy, the end of the line is back there"
C) Reciprocate—cut in front of him
My answer: B or C. "B" seems to be the gutsier response, but "C" seems the more just.
- You can save the lives of hundreds of people, but you must kill your own mother.
Do you:
A) Do nothing, as you value family above all else
B) Beg forgiveness, but do the deed
C) Suggest that Mom decide for herself
My answer: B. I find it hard to believe that such a limited-choice scenario would ever exist in reality, while they are frequent in "24" and the Spiderman movies. Mom would agree with the choice, and if she disagrees...well, she's a selfish pig who should die.
- You have the opportunity to make a lot of money, but you will lose all your friends.
Do you:
A) Assume that you will make new friends
B) Ignore temptation, as you value your friendships
C) Take the money, live frugally, and don't tell your friends
My answer: B. "C", as an answer, doesn't fit the question. I don't see an option in the question to keep the information from your friends, therefore having your cake and eating it, too.