It was the evening, so the cats sat in the back yard, enjoying the evening shade. Autumn sat on her meowing perch, taking advantage of the chance that the blinds would open and the house dwellers would see her outside and mercifully deliver her from her pitiful state. Clem sat on the bottom step. The blinds were yet to open, so Autumn busied herself with feline vanity: a thorough licking.
"I'm hungry." Clem, whose tongue was not quickly or frequently drawn to cat fur, needed a task and easily fell to idle conversation. Autumn, as usual, ignored the comment.
Moments passed. The sun had fallen to the horizon and the shadows now stretched long, feathering at their end, their ends lost in the ebbing orange glow.
"I'm really hungry."
Autumn paused her grooming, looked disdainfully at Clem, and resumed her lickage.
After several dozen more licks, Autumn paused and said, "They aren't feeding you because you are unwanted."
"I doubt that," Clem said. "They play with me constantly. I've been inside quite a bit, you know."
"But you are still unfed. Don't you get it?"
"Well, I intend to stick around. We'll see what happens."
"'Hope springs eternal.' I heard a human say that once. In you it is manifested, you hopeful buffoon."
"They will feed me soon. You'll see. I'm just proving my faithfulness to them to earn the priviledge."
"You are so stupid. I despise you, you orange puke."
Clem, rather than wagging his tongue, put it to better use: grooming.
Is this story based on any particular cats?
ReplyDeleteWhatever the case may be I am enjoying the story.
I also like the new picture.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with you and your brother? Can't you condense your thoughts into one post?Answer to above question: yes.RE: the picture. I thought Krusty needed to mellow somewhat, put away the cigs and smoke a pipe for a bit.
ReplyDeleteWOW OMG *smiles* () yayayay!
ReplyDeleteOk enough with the yuppy little xanga girl imitation: this is funny still, though it is getting a little repetitive.
There's nothing up with this. It's just "out style".
ReplyDeleteI'm offended.
ReplyDeleteDadgummit. I meant "our style".
ReplyDeleteI hate ruining things like that. Oh, crud. Here come my child-hood feelings of inadequacy. I'm going to take a hot bath, and try to convince myself not to take that inevitable slip beneath the surface. Though it's bound to happen one day, they way I screw everything up.
Does it make you excited, to see so many new posts, only to find out their from the same person?
ReplyDeleteI meant "they're".
Forget the bath, I'm going for the garage, the car, and 90's rock. I want the last words I hear to come from the lips of Billy Korgin. Or Corgin. I don't know.
I'm left to wonder why you only notice your typos only after you click the submit button.
ReplyDeleteCarbon monoxide poisoning is the way girls commit suicide. Pick something more violent.
Also, it's Billy Corgan.