This morning, I spent some time meditating on how blessed my life has been. It doesn't take much musing on my part to be overwhelmed.
At the time, I happened to be taking a shower (TMI?), so the metaphorical connection was obvious. I
recalled the hymn, "Showers of Blessing". I began to realize that each drop out of the showerhead could symbolize a blessing in my life. The shower dumps out a healthy amount of water during the course of its usage. The metaphorical expression seems to refer to abundance--a quantity beyond counting, beyond recording. It's a great picture, if you think about it. Understanding helps if you have an "attitude of gratitude", a thankful heart that realizes that the goodness of God in your life is undeserved and unmerited and hinges on His goodness alone and nothing we've done.
It's all good. And lest you believe I live in some idyllic world, I do not. I've had my share of heartache, difficulty and pain. Yet, as Job told his wife, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” True, Job. True, that. I accept the trouble, knowing that the good far outweighs it.
There's no good place to start. It's all around me. My life, my wife, my children, my new granddaughter. It's all good. It's all blessing. The bad stuff? It's still there, but it reminds me of the world I live in, not the God I serve. It reminds me of what I could be, not what I am. It shows me what life could be like without God's hand of blessing in my life.
Know this: If I die today, I die a contented man. I die a thankful man. I die a blessed man. If I live for 20 or 30 more years, all the more. Blessed now means more blessed then. I have no regrets in my life. It's been good.
I casually said hello to a stranger some days back, throwing in the casual, "How are you doing?"
"Blessed and highly favored," she said.
Amen, sister. Amen.